Praise the Lord, I am back in the land of the living!! After a week of schlepping the Royal Family around the Big Apple, attending back-to-back weddings, and ringing in the new year, I have finally found myself back on the couch and near a computer! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm just about ready for the holidays to be over. I don't think I can swallow one more cocktail or munch one more cookie (please, I know this is difficult for you to accept, but even Queenan has limits).
New Year, yes the time when we all promise to read more, eat less, join the gym, call our relatives, and perform various other acts of goodwill for at least the first two weeks of January. Of course we make such grandiose promises, my god, who knows what gibberish gets sputtered on New Year's Eve, and by the next morning, folks will say just about anything to shut up the brass band in their head. Very easy to give up alcohol when lying with your head in the toilet. And what a way to usher in all things new and hopeful, but with the world's worst hangover. Not sure who decided that December 31st would be the greatest annual amateur drinking night, but it was clearly someone who did not intend to accomplish much in the upcoming year.
I don't typically make New Year's resolutions because, well, they're just one more diet that's gonna fail, but this year, 2006, I think I shall. Now I will need your help with this one because I resolve that 2006 will be the year DearQueenan.com goes National!!! I mean, ya'll know my goal here is a book deal, so let's all work together to make that happen, okay? Thank you darlins...ya'll are just the best;-)
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