Friday, February 23, 2007

Get Some Game!

You know, I have been sayin' for the past couple years that there's nothing wrong with the dating market in NYC. I mean, I was in it for a bit and I met my Sweetpotato, so I figured other gals could meet a spud too....after last night though, DUD is the better term.

Fashionslave and I met up at our favorite Irish pub from our days in the Hell's Kitchen walkup, for some nachos and beers (did I mention my pants ripped recently? whatever.) So we're having a de-lightful time, as we always do at this place, when the two guys next to us start chattin us up. Not wanting to be rude, we allow ourselves to be dragged into what can only be the most pitiful waste of my conversational skills I've ever been subjected to in a 5 minute period.

The first moron starts up the conversation by asking who we supported for the 2008 election. Um, what? I said, buddy, you seriously wanna start talking politics in a bar with two women you've never met? Clearly this guy don't get out much. And then, if you can even believe it, he continues down the political path extolling the virtues of the REPUBLICAN PARTY!! This is '07 not '87, the Republican Party ain't fairin' too good these days, number one. And number 2, this is New York City for cryin out loud, the place where you're basically guaranteed to be able to bash the president at any given moment and get a pat on the back from the first person who walks by. If you wanna talk GOP, you need to head to the Red States buddy, cause we ain't interested.

Meanwhile, moron #2 slips around to Fashionslave, throwin' out his best game, which leads with..."my friend and I met in Community College..." Look, I'm not trying to insult community colleges or their students, but you don't lead with that! I mean, make something up for the love of god, or better yet, unless you've just graduated, no one needs to talk about where they went to school. This fool had been out for 10 damn years and couldn't let it go? Troubling. But not so troubling, as a few minutes later when he turned to another friend and said privately, yet within earshot, that he really needed to get laid. Ummm, duh...and I wonder why?

So that basically ended their interview. They didn't do well...they had to GO. But I just can't get over how complete and utterly appalling they were. I mean talk about no game, it was as if it was their first day on earth and they were just getting their bar legs under em. I'm not sayin' there aren't any good guys in Manhattan, in fact I'm sure there are great ones 'round every corner, but clearly not 'round every bar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fashionslave does not need a man from community college. her family would surely eat him alive.

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... not bash the GOP... you know good and well your family comes from a long line of good conservatives. granddaddy is probably rollin' in his grave...

2:06 PM  
Blogger Queenan said...

Not to worry cousin, I am not bashing the GOP, nor am I supporting them. I am a happy to straddle a fence (or a Sweetpotato;-) any day of the week. I was merely making the observation that GOP in NYC...probably not the most popular of pick-up lines. And honey, if Granddaddy ain't rolled over by now, he ain't rollin'.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with Kitty. We already have enough dumb people entering our family, we do not need anymore. However, perhaps the good ol' republican boy should have tried his magic on Fashionslave, as she (at least used to) lean that direction. Hopefully that has changed though.

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, Queenie, who knew my entire family reads your every word, too? :) and in case anyone missed it, there was i was going anywhere with that boy..especially not home!

9:50 AM  

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