Grammy Night

Alright, so who watched the Grammy's last night? Though award shows are often long and ridiculous, y'all know I have to tune in lest I miss an opportunity to comment on a celebrity's unfortunateness. I'm not gonna go through the whole red carpet, I simply want to mention a few things...
1) I must say Congrats to the Dixie Chicks, who apparently won the same award 3 or 4 times. Can someone please explain the difference in Song, Record, and Album of the Year? They all appear to be for that same "Not Ready to Make Nice" song, which should perhaps become the Dear Queenan theme song. Anyway, I typically stay out of politics, but I understand there are a bunch of folks in the Red States who are pissed about the Chicks' politics. That wouldn't be such a big deal if the majority of your fan base wasn't part of the ever-shrinking 30% of the US population that supports G.W. Who cares though, they won and they always have the most fabulous accessories...look at those amazing earrings;-)
2)Mary J. Blige - A Lesson in the Poor Choices of Youth. You see kids, getting a tattoo seems like a cool idea when you're young and anti-establishment, but then you grow up and try to wear a designer gown and look like you just got outta prison. Her dress was surprisingly lovely (I hear she's got good stylists these days), but if she has come through these hard times and emerged as a classy woman, a tale she bored us with before singing, then she should invest in some long-sleeved gowns. You can't really be considered refined with a 4 inch cross seared into your upper arm, now can you? Look kids, if you're gonna get a tattoo (and let's face it, at least half of you will try) you must have them drawn strategically so that they can remain hidden most of the time. Remember, most tattoos only seem like a good idea at the time, and then one day you find yourself explaining to your grandkids how the raisin on your hip used to be a ladybug, and it's just not pretty.
3) And finally, the man of the evening...Justin Timberlake. I have decided to make him my new favorite thing. I really think he may be on track to be the next Michael Jackson (pre-Neverland Ranch). His recent hits have not quite belied his talent, as they were kind of more chants than songs, but last night he was really showin it out, and we all know the boy can move. I really think he may go all the way, plus, at this point he appears to have all his original facial features and displays no pedophilic tendencies. The only thing is, he's gotta start releasing songs that will stand the test of time...I mean he can bring sexy back all he wants to, but until he gets a "Billie Jean," he's gonna remain on the precipice. But for the record, Queenie is supporting his campaign to dominate pop music. Next time he tours through the Big Apple, I may even brave the teenie-boppers to see his show (heavily medicated of course)
Justin Timberlake?! the next pop king?! My poor child. Living in the big city and drinking all those mimosas ALL the time has certainly clouded your judgement and apparentely erased your childhood upbringing of GOOD music and actually TALENTED singers. Yourself for one and of course your Queen Mum
Oh Mummy, Mummy, I said, he needs some work, but he can actually sing, he can certainly dance and after last night, I'd say he's on his way.
Obviously, not everyone can talented to our level...bless they little hearts.
Really Queenie, don't go to a teeny bopper hell concert. been there, done that...and yes, even in my 20's. don't do it. you'll feel old and foolish by the end of the night.
love, cousin tina
oh, he's bringing sexy back to the continental arena in NJ next month. and having already attended an n'sync concert in a former lifetime, i have not only braved but survived a teeny bopper concert in my twenties and i am DEFINITELY doing it again next month!
Oh, you know I can offer pictures from the concert for my lovies...and teeny bopper concerts are fabulous--no lines for beer!!!
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