Don't rush summer styles

Okay, the weather is gettin warmer so I'm startin to see folks out and about in their spring attire and I just need to address a few concerns.
First of all, I am from the South, if you haven't picked up on that already, and below the Mason Dixon we live and die by the idea that white can only be worn on your bottom half between Memorial and Labor Days. Period. Now I take issue with this notion because I have some really cute white pants and I hate to limit myself to only 3 months of wear. HOWEVER, I must ask that if you sport your white attire before the official beginning of the summer season that you do so with caution. I mean, don't go all crazy with the white denim mini when the high is only 50-degrees (I don't care if it's April and you've switched your closet out already, find a pair of dark colored pants!). Also, remember that unless you have taken some fabulous Caribbean vacation during the winter (in which case I hate you), your skin is more than likely the color of wall plaster, so white might not be the best choice. It is advisable to delay the release of your starkest attire until it doesn't match your pasty legs.
So white is up to your discretion, but there are a few items of clothing I just saw this past weekend in the park that just had no business being worn yet.
The seersucker suit. Ya'll know I love a man in a little stripped suit, it's positively cotillion-esque, but my friends it is just not appropriate for a mild spring day, and certainly not in the park where folks are lying around in their cut-offs. Seersucker is for endearing yourself to your boss's wife at the 4th of July pic-nic, not for overdressing before it's even hot out!
Shelf-bra halter tops. Now I just love these little things because they're easy and require no undergarments. But now, what happens when you aren't wearing a bra and it gets chilly out, as it's apt to do during the mood swings of spring temperatures? Exactly. It's not really necessary to show your cards, so to speak, this early in the season. I mean leave a little something to the imagination!
Just hold on another month or so darlins', I promise there's still plenty of time for summer fashion.
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