Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Can we please get something on TV?

Dear god, this writer's strike has got to end! I mean if I see one more dance-off, sing-off, act-like-a-jerk-off shows on prime time, I'm gonna stab my own self in the eye!

Whatever these writers want, just give it to them! At this point, the networks have got to have lost the money the writers want in advertising revenue, so just end it already. You're talking about a television wasteland the likes of which haven't been seen since the thing went color! They're showing Friends reruns at 8pm for christ's sake and I think Saved By The Bell is next up to repeat 3 times a day!

And the "reality" shows they've got to fill the space, well you can clearly see they were pulled outta their ass. I mean Michael Bolton and Nick Lachey "directing" show choirs (who by the way sung the most ridiculous songs ever)- puh-leez! And since when do washed up ballroom dancers get to headline their own TV shows- I don't care about these people, I need a plot line!!

And no Golden Globes! Can you even conceive of my devastation not to have a night of fashion to critique? There simply are no words.

However, this is a bit of hope on the horizon. One Tree Hill started up again last week with a double episode. Now I know not all of you watch teen soap dramas, but now they're (conveniently and totally unbelievably) fast-forwarded into "adulthood" after college. Though, in no realm of the universe are you an adult at 22 and own a multi-million dollar fashion empire, but whatever, wealthy is more fun to watch than poverty right?

I share this with you because there's a new episode tonight featuring Kevin Federline, and while that would typically compel me to turn the show off rather than on, there is a chance that the Federline character will perform in a club with a band whose drummer is Prince Rat Boy, my brother never before mentioned because there's too much to tell. Now I don't know that it will be tonight's episode, it may be next week, but I do know that at some point Kevin will play the lead singer of a band, the band will perform at a club, the person playing the drums will be Rat Boy. I will have to confirm all this tomorrow after I see the show, but if you've nothing to watch- and unless you're a total moron who thinks people open opening briefcases is a game of skill- you have nothing to watch, then check out One Tree Hill on the WB channel.

Oh, and you should just continue to follow the series so that later on this season when Queen Mum appears, you'll have a context to understand the importance of the one line she speaks! Okay, well her line isn't so much important, but the scene is so that counts!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have two words: "GOSSIP GIRL". the best show of it's kind since 90210 (and you know i don't watch this kind of thing. seriously, i am obsessed!!

10:46 AM  
Blogger Queenan said...

Oh now I do love Gossip Girl, mainly for that cute, nerdy boy. By the way, no I don't know you don't watch such things ANONYMOUS.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous is your friend missy from the west side, thank you very much! :)

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to respond sooner but this whole blogger thing changes every time. oh bugger. anyway. thanks for the plug darling. still don't have cable. anyone seen Forrest yet?

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the clock on this thing?

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Mozilla publish my comment but road runner does? this stuff is so confusing. anyone have a two year old I can borrow?

8:55 PM  

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