Happy Birthday Sweetpotato!!

Yes, I very happy birthday to the love of my life, one Potato, Sweet (and yes he is so very sweet). You look even better than the day I met you honey (but my God, he is O-L-D!) I'm practically a child bride in comparison, which is a good thing cause someone's gonna have to push the wheelchair up the ramp to the kiddie's graduations and I'll still be in good shape!!
I kid of course, because I love. But I do have something to say to Mister Potato regarding last night's comments about his cake. Now y'all know I like to bake, I have a Recipe Book of my favorite Carbohydrates and Cocktails right on my website, but that doesn't mean I'm looking to win any contests here. You see, last night I set about making His favorite birthday cake, which requires considerable more effort than the grocery store variety of my childhood, hell I even made a lemon filling from scratch! Now it may have happened once or twice that in my baking excitement I haven't let the cake or the filling cool properly, leading to a very messy, very oozy, and very ugly situation. And of course, this may have occurred more than once, and of course Sweetpotato had been there to witness it every time. Hence He has decided that I lack the caking acumen I so profess.
Now look here, I have never claimed to make pretty cakes, I have only claimed to make good cakes, and you can rest assured the cake sittin' in my refrigerator at this very moment is the best tasting cake He's ever had. I have yet to find to a mixture of lard and sugar that doesn't yield yummy results and who the hell cares what it looks like anyway? If you're more concerned with the decorations then you clearly aren't spending enough time eating the icing!
So my darling Sweetpotato, you can either appreciate the way I slaved in the kitchen all evening and tell me it's the best birthday of your life, or I will return all your presents and feed your cake to the dog. Happy Birthday Honey!