Monday, May 29, 2006

Away Message

Dearest Readers,

Her Majesty regrets to inform you that She will be unavailable for the coming week while she attends a business conference which is entirely too long and void of any constructive purpose. It has recently come to Her Royal Highness's attention, that while her loyal subjects are incredibly attentive, well-behaved, and educated in the sun's revolutions around Her Majesty's head, the incompetent fools who employ Her are not nearly so e-volved as to understand the way things should re-volve.

Hence, your very Dear Queenan, who would so much rather regale you with tales of her daily trails and tribulations, will be forced to stand in a gigantic hall full of dull and unattractive people whose collective senses of humor have all the laughability of a sitcom on the WB. She does hope to garner at least a few amusing tales, to be reported immediately upon her return.

Her Majesty asks that during your mournful week of witless Internet surfing you not do anything drastic, such as smash you computer screen or jam the keys with tears as you lament the loss of your favorite blog. Know that She will return, pissier than ever, and you wouldn't want a moment of anguished weakness to cause you to miss Her triumphant return.

Have a luuurvly week and keep your chins up;-)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Winnie's Trauma

Well today is a very special day. Today is the day when my over-charged, over-grown, totally spoiled mutt gets tamed. Yes, today, she goes so be Spayed. I probably shouldn't be so happy about it, but I'm hoping against hope that the rumors they tell you are true, that pups do calm down once they've been de-sexed because truly, I MUST get some sleep!!

Y'all know Winnie, I've told you about her ridiculousness before and blamed it on her dad, who as we all know is a Potato with a heart of gold. And through all my complaining and whining and bitching and moaning and vows to stop her tyrannical rule over my tiny apartment, He has remained steadfast in his resolve to spoil the living mess outta her!!

You should have seen him this morning as the two of them left for the vet, he was a wreck! You'da thought he was leading a lamb to the slaughter, for the love of God. Winnie, of course, was none the wiser and trotted off with the doctor to inspect that the premises met her approval. Sweetpotato returned home utterly disoriented without his partner in crime, as if the world might end if he didn't have someone to throw a ball to all day. I can only imagine what he'll be like the first day our kids go to kindergarten...oy!

Really I just can't wait for her to come home with that cone thing and try to squeeze herself in the bed. I shall find it hysterical, though you know it will be Winnie who laughs last. You just know Sweetpotato in his guilt will throw me off the bed so Winnie can be more comfortable, afterall as he said this morning, "we have to give her lots of treats, she's having a hard day." Oh, for the love! I leave the house everyday, braving the elements and the hoards of crazy folk and the ramshackle subway system, all to sit in a stifling office and fend off the phone calls of lazy idiots who can't make basic business decisions, get blamed for the failure of the US market and run half-way around the city in shoes that give me blisters! I have had a hard day, but do I get treats? I don't think so.

I am telling you, this bitch has got my life, my attitude, AND my Sweetpotato. I'd hate her, but she's just too darn cute!! Good luck Winnie Wooster...we love you!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Idol OVER!

Oh dear Lord, the finale of American Idol was the most painful thing I've ever seen! I mean, it's a SINGING competition right? Why on earth would they drag the most pitiful "stars" on stage with these contestants? Check out the photo gallery for yourself.

Toni Braxton, God love her, she must be sharing Paula's drugs cause she was just a disaster and I couldn't understand a damn word she sang/growled.

Mary J Blige, well now, y'all know singing is a bit of a stretch for her, yelling is more her comfort zone and yell she did. Only she's not so good at the "duet," I mean she 'bout knocked poor Elliot of the stage with her terrible rendition of the U2 classic "One." Bono must owe somebody big time to let his anthem be slaughtered repeatedly by this hack.

McPhee and Meatloaf...there are no words. Alright, of course there are but they aren't fit to print. If I were her I'da been terrified the way he was stalking around the stage, high on Godknowswhat.

Speaking of Catherine, she's had a rough time of it lately. First they gave her the WORST original song ever written (I heard Nick Lachey teamed up with a former Idol contestant to create this masterpiece...sounds just like the whiney drivel he's always singing, everything rhymed with "destiny"). Then they pitched it way too high for her. Then they stuck her with a coked-up has-been for a duet that didn't even approximate being in any one key. Now you know her momma was Up-Set about that. She didn't raise no mediocre singer, uh-uh, and don't you put her with no tone-deaf buffoon making her look bad. I mean to tell you, it was all Momma McPhee could do not to walk up on that stage and yank that mike right outta Meaty's hand!

Of course the group numbers were about the gayest medleys ever sung. Can you just imagine the American Idol tour? Stab me in the eye!

In the end of course, Taylor Hicks and his crazy-ass Soul Patrol won the title. By that point I was so emotionally drained from all the preceding insanity that I could hardly care.

AHHH! How could I forget to mention Clay?!?! His hair...WTF? I guess after his little Internet incident he just opened those closet doors and ran right on out to his hair-dresser. He seems to have embraced his musical theater roots...look out 42nd Street, I expect to see him on The Broad-way as soon as he can wrench free from his Idol contract!!

Another season comes to a close and we're left listening to the heart-warming ballad, "Do I Make You Proud," for the next 30 weeks...I can hardly contain my excitement.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Patting my own back

Y'all know I just can't resist the urge to share compliments I get. One of my loyal subjects was quite down-and-out over the loss of his sweetheart and he sought out advice from Her Highness quite a few times. Naturally I gave him my best pearls of wisdom, which include "it's called a 'break up' cause folks need a break," "absence makes the heart grow fonder, so get lost so she can get fond," and the ever popular "you need to get yourself together."

Believe it or not, he actually did as he was told, and then....

(he writes)
"Dear Q,
I want to thank you for all your wonderful advice. I listened to what you have said & she has come back to me!! We have been together for a week now & things are going great!! When I let her go & left her alone she started realizing just how much she did love me & that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me. She said that the love we share is way too important just let slip away. Thank you so very much for all of your help!! I couldn't have done this without you! I hope you continue to help the "lucky" people who ask for your wise advice. Take care of your self & I hope we can talk from time to time.
Your friend always,
(Formerly known as)Desperate

This just proves that if folks would follow my instructions, the world would be a much happier place, just as I suspected all along!

Allergy Season

For the love of all things respiratory, can someone please shut the pollen off!?! Who do I have to speak to about this insane allergy season...put them on the phone!

Here I sit, snivelling away at my computer, eyes swollen shut, nose dripping, head throbbing. I tell you, I am on my last breaths and no one even cares! Folks just say, "oh yeah, it's allergy season." Thank you, I would never have guessed. And you're right, I'll be just soon as the truck that is parked on my face rolls away.

I mean to tell you, this is no way to live. How the hell are you supposed to get anything done when you feel like you're one foot from the grave? And of course, allergy attacks don't count as being "sick." Oh no, they're just something you have to work through. Now if I had a cold they'd send me home, the flu, I wouldn't even have had to come in, but allergies, well just hand her a Kleenex and put more work on her desk! I just don't believe in being sick if it doesn't render you motionless and unable to eat. I'd much rather lay in bed watching General Hospital and dropping a few pounds than pushing papers as the living dead.

Alas, I shall be here...sneezing, for the rest of the day...providing I make it that long. (sniff) (cough) (wheeze)

Friday, May 19, 2006


I cannot believe the ridiculous way some folks celebrate their birthdays. You know these folks who get up at the butt-crack of dawn to watch the sunrise as they jog along the beach, reflecting on the past year and making plans for their new year upon this earth. They have a nice bowl of fruit before doing some sort of yoga-healthy-stretchy thing.

What a load of CRAP!

Everybody knows birthdays are about cake and presents and makin' everybody treat you like a Queen for a day. Obviously I don't have an issue with being a Queen on my birthday, it's the other 364 days I just can't figure out what to do with myself!

Now today is my birthday, I am Justneveryoumind years old, and do you think I was going for a jog at 6 am...Hell no! Now you know I got up late, cause it's my birthday. I ate a big ol' bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich, cause calories don't count on your birthday (any additional pounds discovered the next morning are purely coincidental). I will not be jogging anywhere, cause birthdays are supposed to be torture-free. I will be eating at least one entire cake, again I refer you to the birthday-calorie rule.

As to the type of cake, you know I rarely discriminate when it comes to dessert, but there are few types of cake which I highly recommend for birthdays in particular.
For many years I have requested my Grandma's Strawberry Cake, the recipe for which can be found on
. Alternatively, I suggest the white sheet cake from Harris Teeter (my favorite Southern supermarket) because the icing is made of sugar and lard just the way God intended. I do accept alternative forms of cake, such as cheesecake and jumbo-cookie cake. Basically anything yummy you can stick a candle in will do!

I tell y'all this, not so I can be showered with Happy Birthday wishes (but if you need to send me a note, I'm at ), I say this because I'm hearing way too many stories of folks spending their one day of indulgence in some sort of health-conscious bubble telling folks not to send gifts! What the hell is wrong with you people?!

Live it up, cause birthday's come once and year and they taste so darn good!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

And then suddenly, I don't feel so bad

I want y'all to know that I tried to post yesterday but for some reason the blog site won't process images and the post just needed the image. So now, here I am, 2 days late with nothing to show you and I am so sorry, I really was thinking of you.
See, I'll even leave the would-be post below. Y'all will just have to go out and but your own copy of Star Magazine to see what I'm talkin' about. Remember that this was supposed to directly follow my post on self-loathing photography....

There's nothing like the Beach Body edition of Star Magazine to make you feel all better about yourself. I mean, obviously you can't look at the photos of Jessica Alba or Paris Hilton, but you know ol' Mariah won't let you down!

Here she is struttin' out with her "new hot body," which is really nice of the press to say but you know that means "heifer took off a few." And you know she think she look goo-ood. Now come on, there is not a muscle to be seen. And those thunder thighs..I am telling you, I feel thinner just looking at her!

I'm not for one second advocating starvation or Zone Dieting, and y'all know how I feel about cake. I am simply pointing out that this bitch knows she's being photographed, she has the world at her weight-watching disposal, and this is all she's got?! Hell that lets us mere mortals off the hook!

Looks like the new plan is tacky swimsuits and trashy extensions and no one will notice those 5 extra pounds;-)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Unflattering Film

You know those nights when you get all gussied up in your cute little top and actually DO something to your hair? You know, the night where you suck it up and don your painful strappy shoes and risk life and limb in the name of high fashion? It's the same night you dance around your apartment with the straightening iron and a glass of wine singing along with the pop radio station until you're fully pumped up and ready to party like the rock star you know you are.

And so you go out in your fantastic (in this case peacock) coat, struttin' down the street with "Pretty Woman" playing in your head, feeling like the hottest thing since sliced white bread, and you make your way to the trendy new bar where your girlfriends are waiting for you looking equally fabulous. Of course everyone has their breasts out on display, and you pretend that your 34A's look just as good as their 36D's and that your extra set of triceps aren't noticeable beside their stick-like arms (and they really aren' long as you're facing straight on).

After a few cocktails all's right with the world, and you forget that you couldn't fit one thigh into your girlfriend's designer skirt, or very nearly forget anyway. The night is great and fun and you feel sexy and successful as everyone laughs and smiles and flirts and you go home thinking you were fabulous and gorgeous and then...

you see the pictures.

And somehow all your girlfriends look just as great on film as they did that night, sexy and smiling, and you look, well...a bit like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow woman, your fat arms caught in every frame from the complete wrong angle. And how is it that even when you strategically position your head a few inches behind everyone else, your face still looms like a great basketball with hair - limp hair? How is it that the rest of them look so small and you look so bloated? How is it that you no longer have a "good side"? How can you look so good in your bathroom mirror and so frighteningly bad in a camera lens?

I'm afraid I have no answers, friends. Photography, like life, is unfair, unexplainable, and horribly unflattering....I'll drink to that!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day

Yes, I know I'm a day late, but I know y'all don't read my blog on the weekends anyway, so....

People are often confused by my relationship with my mother, but it’s really very simple. We’ve gotten along great since I was about 8-years-old and we couldn’t figure out who was in charge, so we just called it a draw and decided to be friends. In fact, by the time I left for college I was just about done raising her. She’s turned out all right, though I did leave in her formative years.

My mother is an amazing individual—her ability to remember the past twenty years of General Hospital subplots while never remembering which of her children she’s speaking to truly boggles the mind. Since my siblings were born, my name has become a twelve-syllable conglomeration of every person in our house- some days the dogs’ names are thrown in for good measure. I’ve been “whatever-your-name-is” for the past ten years, even though you’d think one would remember their first born.

Recollection is actually quite an issue for my mother, who hasn’t committed a phone number to memory since the advent of speed-dial. The only reason she knows where I went to college is because it’s printed on the top of loan bill she’s still paying-- my actual degree being a distant phrase fading in to that region of her brain reserved for most other details she’s certain she can almost recall. My major resides there with thank you notes, graduation gifts, craft projects and all the other forgotten items. I swear she doesn’t remember any of my friends’ names, but really, if she can’t get her own kids straight, she surely isn’t going to worry about anybody else’s. Probably, all she could tell you about my job is that it prevents me from answering her daily phone calls about critical issues like: “the Weather Channel says you’re cold,” “your Daddy took the railing off the back deck,” or anything she read in Reader’s Digest.

Bless her heart she does try; unfortunately the old “day late and a dollar short” is usually the best she can do. I have been dropped off and picked up late from every function I’ve ever attended- occasionally I wasn’t picked up at all. Her life operates on a ten-minute delay, and that’s if the traffic lights are in her favor. You know the road that’s “paved with good intentions?” Yeah- it’s our driveway. She was so excited this year when the package she sent me for St. Patrick’s Day actually arrived on March 17th -- of course, it contained my Valentine’s Day card, but why get bogged down with details? Nothing, however, beats my Easter basket. When I was two-years-old she began making me a stuffed cloth Easter basket. As usual, she “got a little behind” and the basket wasn’t finished in time for me to use that Easter, or the next. She did finish it though… the year I turned twenty-two.

It's not that she doesn’t want to be on top of things; it’s just that she has too many pots on the stove- none of which contain anything you’d ever want to eat. We’re talking about a woman who can kill a roast at 20 paces. A One-dish wonder (wonder if the dish is safe to eat), she is a firm believer that the power of Cream of Mushroom soup can turn any batch of random ingredients in to a casserole. As the Queen of the Slowcooker, her most famous (or infamous) recipe is the Naked Chicken in the Crock-pot- just place whole, naked chicken in pot and turn on- no liquid, seasonings or sides needed…. yum! Of course, no matter how awful the dinner was, congealed in the next day’s lunch box, it’s even worse. Other kids traded their snacks in elementary school, but one look in my lunch box and kids just gave me food out of pity. I was perhaps the only college student in America who looked forward to fall break and nice restaurant-cooked meal.

Trying to explain my life to her is an exercise in futility. You can’t defend the necessity of owning designer shoes to a woman who thinks Prada is a city in Germany. I know I’m not alone; everyone has his or her crazy mother stories. It’s odd really, how someone who can’t remember to wash your soccer uniform in time for the game can remember the exact time of your birth. How the woman who can’t remember her PIN number will never forget the first time she heard your heart beat. So maybe she takes a nap every afternoon -- she didn’t sleep a wink any time you had a fever. And maybe her dinners aren’t great, but she’ll drive all the way to school to deliver your forgotten lunchbox. And she wasn’t the Girl Scout Leader, but she’d never miss your dance recital. There’s not a picture in the baby book, but she has your first hair cut in an envelope in her dresser and your baby teeth in her jewelry box. She can still remember how you smelled the day you came home from the hospital and the first time she felt you kick in her stomach. She’s never cried as hard as she did on your first day of kindergarten or cheered as loudly as when you scored your first homerun. She doesn’t understand your clothes or your music but she knows when you need a hug. You can’t get her to wear the trendy Capri pants you bought her for her birthday, but she’ll wear with pride the awful necklace you gave her the Christmas you were five. And God, she asks so many questions about every little thing and you think, “Do you have no life?!” Of course she doesn’t- she gave her life up so you could have one.

Sometimes I don’t know what to do with the woman who took twenty years to sew my Easter basket. But I do know that after all those years, that basket was a testament to my mother’s devotion, a symbol of the little girl I will always be to her, a labor of love from the one who loves me like no other, and to this day, is the greatest gift I have ever received.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

American got it wrong

I'm totally devastated! How could America vote Chris Daughtry off American Idol?!

Yes, I watch American Idol and I'm not ashamed to admit it! And though I was once Queenan of the Pageant Circuit, I don't have any delusions of becoming the next great teen idol. I mean I can sing just fine, but if it's not from a musical or Judy Garland's songbook, it's not a song for me.

Anyway, I am just torn up over this loss. Maybe it's cause he's from the land of my birth, or maybe it was all that footage of him selling autoparts to support his wife's kids, or it could just be cause he was real good but regardless I just can't believe America voted him off! I mean you can't seriously want a man having epileptic fits every time he sings to win this, can you? And poor Elliot is so unfortunate-looking I just don't know who they could market him to. Now Catherine is the best outta all of em, but seeing as how the pretty girl with the big voice has already won twice, you'd think everyone would be ready to breakout with a guy who won't eat his way through every recording session.

Alas, America has proven it has no taste yet again. The small-town small-mindedness has prevailed and the rocker got kicked off. Oh, and could Ryan Seacrest have been any harsher with the delivery? He's such an ass. If I didn't already hate him I would have started last night. Add that one to the list...Ryan Seacrest, must stab in the eye.

So Farewell just find you a rock band and I'll be first in line for tickets!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More Words of Wisdom...

...from your pal Queenan. Today's letter is sent to us from a young woman caught in the common trap of the never-ending breakup.

She writes:

Dear Queenan,

My ex and I broke up almost a year ago but things
continued on between us for 4 months after that until
he moved out of state. I went to visit him and it
things still carried on. Last week he came to visit me
and again things still carried on.

We always have tried to remain friend but I think I am
becoming someone that I never wanted to be. I still
want to be with him forever and have turned down any
guy that asks me out b/c I know that it would make my
ex jealous.

On the otherhand I know that he probably does not have
the same feelings for me and is just holding on to me
until something better comes along. I have tried my
best to let go. I am going home next weekend and will
see him again. What should I do without breaking off
the friendship? How can I make myself move on?


and I responded:

Dear Lost,

Now look honey, this is a classic case of the prolonged breakup. You know folks just have the hardest time stayin away from each other, which I have never understood because you broke up cause you didn't want each other in the first place! I know, I know, it's just so comfortable, especially the physical parts, you already know what each other looks like naked so it take the pressure off right?

Praise the Lord, he has moved away and taken his body with him.
However, old habits die hard and here you are waitin around for him to come back to town for a little tete a tete (and other parts) when you should be out find someone else's parts to play with. You have to get a grip on the fact that y'all are not together. This will not happen until you're datin other folks so get on out there. Do you have any idea how many free cocktails you have passed up waitin around for this fool?

And you need to understand that he's just using you and the comfort of your relationship for something to hold on to while sowing his oats and whatever else off on his new turf. Look honey, if he's gettin the milk, he needs to buy the cow (and I am in no way referring to any size you may or may not be;-)

You can't be friends with ex's. Period. At least not until a SIGNIFICANT amount of time has passed. Oh, and you have to have had at least one actual relationship in between, otherwise you're too likely to find yourself hooking up in the restaurant bathroom after only your second cosmo.

As for making yourself move on...just go! I mean really, why do you even want to waste time waiting for guy who's just passing time. If he was the one for you, the planets would align and y'all'd be together. If you haven't felt any atmospheric shifts lately, then chances are he's not your guy.

Say it with me now...he didn't do well, he had to go.
Words to live by darlin, words to live by.


Ann Landers, eat your heart out


I can't believe this nonsense! I was at the gym last night (and no, that's not the unbelievable part), just a joggin' away when some idiot trainer-person comes up to me and tells me my time is up! There, mid stride, just tells me to get off the treadmill cause there was a line.

Can you believe the nerve! Of course I made some enquiries and this is apparently the policy when folks take too long, meaning more than 30 minutes. So I looked around...nary a sign in sight announcing such a thing, to be sure I was NOT pleased.

Now look here. I do not delight in hauling my fat ass on to treadmills. Y'all know if I had my way about things my ass would be parked on a bar stool sipping Mimosas every evening, but instead I have been forced into physical activity by America's insistance that all brides suffer a weight-loss regime. So don't ask me to stop running when it has taken every ounce of willpower I possess just to start!

Of course those fat bitches behind the counter were no help, they think folks were taking to long. Of course from the looks of them, 30 seconds on a treadmill might be pushing their activity limit. Why is it that fitness facilities don't emphasize muscle tone with their employees?

Of course the rage only grew from there. I mean this is not the Student Rec Center with 10 machines that 20,000 students share for free. Hell no, I pay plen-ty of money every month to be able to sweat in peace and I do not wish to be disturbed because the gym doesn't have enough machines. This is not my problem.

And with that, I huffed out of the gym and spend the rest of my workout exercising my fingers as I typed a strongly worded letter to the entire sports club system. They haven't had the decency or the nerve to respond as of yet, but never fear, they will hear from me again and again until justice is served and my ass has shrunk!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Poor Ashley

So this week in The Gospel According to Star, there' a feature about Ashley Simpson's new nose. Now as much as I believe that most of Hollywood has gone under the knife a time or two, I don't actually think she's had work done yet...I mean notice the positioning of the glasses. Must have been a slow week for Knifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

However, this brings up an interesting point...I have yet to share my feelings on Ashley Simpson with y'all!! What a shocking lack of journalistic integrity.

Honestly, I feel badly for her. I mean on her own she's not that great to look at, and then of course she has the sibling from Hell. I mean if your older sister had Jessica's face, body and voice, wouldn't you just try to go to college and be an accountant or something? Instead, her daddy decided he wasn't effectively exploiting ALL of his family, so he stuck her in a T.V. show, where at least she could pull off cute in comparison to her average-looking co-stars. But of course that wasn't enough either, and the next thing you know she's lip-synching on SNL.

I mean the poor girl is just screaming out for psychiatric evaluation. She's had more "looks" in the past year than Madonna in the past 20, and she still has an unremarkable career. Bless her heart. But then I guess that's what happens when all you've got for talent is a lot of money and a famous last name.

I have to say, she might just consider a little trim off the top of her snout just to balance out her face. You know her sister had her nose tucked and look what it did for her! Remember I am not normally a proponent of plastic surgury, having needed none myself, but in cases where the chance of moral redemption is so slim, I say go ahead and slice!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Dear Friends,

I would like to take this time to announce that he has gone and done it...Sweetpotato, the most precious root vegetable in all the world, has gone and asked me to Marry Him!!

Couldn't you just die?!

After telling me how he couldn't possibly live without me (obviously), he presented me with the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. I wanted to put a picture up for y'all to see, but He insists that's tacky so just imagine the most beautiful ring in the whole wide world, and that might look as good as mine.

It is fortunate that he went ahead and asked me, seeing as how I've already booked the church!! Look, y'all know I can't be bothered to wait around on a Y-chromosome, even if he is the most wonderful Y-chromosome ever.

I will try not to dedicate too much of my writing space to wedding-related issues, though to be sure there are many ridiculous situations in the bridal world.

Sufficed to say I am tickled all shades of pink, and will be home doing sweet things for my Sweetpotato for a few months, until he stops holding this over my head.

(the future) Mrs. Queenan Potato

Monday, May 01, 2006

Netting No-No

And so I'm walking to the train this 55-degree morning, and I see this girl in her BLACK stilettos and a WHITE flowy skirt with NETTING underneath. So many issues, where do you even begin? You know I just wanted to ask her how old she was, cause she sure looked grown, but then why would a grown-ass woman be walking around in a crinoline like she was 6-years-old in the Easter Parade?

So I've been investigating, and apparently some fool thought it would be the fashion this season to tack cheap, wrinkly netting inside cotton skirts. Of course, they wanted folks to know there was netting under there, so they made sure it was 2 inches too long. Now look, honey, this just looks ridiculous. Why on earth would you want to wear a tutu in the middle of summer? Did you not learn anything from your 4th grade dance recital? Tutus are about the itchiest things in the world and they're forever bunching up and making all manner of unsightly bulges in your princess costume, on top of the fact that they're incredibly cumbersome and not at all figure flattering. Now why on earth, they've been brought back into fashion, in the adult world no less, I just cannot fathom.

But I do know that you will not find me in a cheap skirt with the underneath falling out all over the place. And I just wanted to say to that girl on the train, honey, you are too old for ballet costumes, so get yourself together and dress like us grown folks!