Grey's Anatomy

So of course I watched Grey's Anatomy last night like pretty much everyone in America, and I was reminded of how irritating it is that this whole show is based on the totally ridiculous premise that Dr. McDreamy would ever in a million years be attracted to Meredith Grey. I mean come on people, just look at them for christ's sake. On a scale of attractiveness she's maybe a 4 on her best day and he's every bit a 9 on his worst. Their entire relationship flies in the face of centuries of psychological studies, all of which have found that 4's pair with 4's and 9's pair with 9's and if an exception is made, it will never be the man who's trading down- to be sure.
Since the first man crawled out of his cave and grunted, men and women have found themselves attracted to those of a similar scale, and certainly the Patrick Dempseys of the world have never found themselves trapped in the squinty gaze of a lifeless anorexic. I mean look at him, look at his ex-wife, look at Meredith...."one of these things is not like the other."
And don't give me that crap about how Meredith is supposed to represent the Everywoman, and he's attracted to her soul and they have a deeper connection or some such nonsense. I mean all she does is whine and mope and make that "ugh" sound. Plus she screwed over cutie-patutie Chris O'Donnell last season for the flip-flopping McDreamy who had a wife!
Anyway, the real problem with this show isn't the casting of plain folks but the ineptness of the makeup department. Seriously, can we get Meredith a hair-do at least? She looks like 1970's Farrah Fawcett with a low-flow shower head, and you know, a highlight or two wouldn't kill the girl. They might also try putting make-up on her pasty skin, and while I appreciate that they were trying to get her some lips, the collagen has now rendered her mouth expression-less, which I suppose suits the rest of her face. Oh and while we're on the subject of grooming, do you think McDreamy could pick up a razor once in a while? He's the head of neurosurgery, not a grunt in the ER, they schedule things like cutting open a brain, so stop with the "I've been at the hospital for 3 days straight and haven't had to time do anything but drink coffee and save lives," crap...he don't got it so bad.
All I'm asking for is a little reality in my fiction, is that so much to ask?