It's Time!

Well hello friends, so sorry to have neglected you for these past couple of days, but I'll be damned if these employers of mine don't expect me to do work at the most inconvenient times. I spent all of yesterday train riding between New York and Delaware only to stand (in heels) for 5 hours watching other people sell things and salivating over the appetizers I was not allowed to eat. What's in Delaware you ask? Not much, honey, you didn't miss a thing. Tomorrow will be a round-trip flying experience to Chicago, during which I am certain to contract some sort of deep vein thrombosis from too many hours aloft! Alas, the plight of the working woman - swollen feet and unparalleled boredom....wish I'd know what I was getting into before I gave up my waitressing shifts.
Anyway, on my way home last night (WAY past my bedtime) I saw the first happy signs of the season! The giant star suspended above Fifth Avenue and the twinkling of lighted bows hanging from the street lamps. You know I was against holiday cheer prior to Thanksgiving, but now that's it's time I couldn't be happier. Now don't forget about the big tree lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center this evening. Folks from home are always asking if I go see it and are so incredibly disappointed to hear that I watch it on television just like everyone else, but do you seriously think I'm gonna go stand out in the cold for 4 hours hoping to catch a glimpse of evergreen from the far edge of the plaza. I did attempt it one year, only to find that I could see neither the tree nor the announcers nor the performing artists. Wouldn't it be a shame to miss hearing The Backstreet Boys sing "Joy To The World" in bad R&B style?
Hence, I shall be viewing the tree lighting from the comfort of my couch and suggest you, Manhannanite or not, do the same with a glass of spiked cider...ooops, I meant SPICED cider, but just as well;-)