After the past 4 months of the Winter That Wasn't, I still was not prepared when spring appeared this week. And apparently neither was anyone else. Folks everywhere are rushing to put on their warm-weather clothes, despite the fact that the mornings are still chilly and the flowers have yet to bloom. I am just as ready as the next person to pack away my sweaters, but come on now, 60 degrees does not call for tanktops and flipflops. Maybe it's the Southerner in me, but white pants are for after Memorial Day, and even if we're being liberal, they aren't for March!
But I guess folks just can't stand the promise of spring, as they stumble down the street, not yet able to walk in this season's platform wedges, or as I like to call them...the Ankle-sprainers. Yet somehow carrying out the fashion of the season is kinda lost when you've yet to have your first spring pedicure and your "summer tan" has left your palms a suspicious shade of orange. You know, it is okay to ease into the season. But no, of course we must rush out and buy a straw handbag with the first sunny day.
Now I love warm weather as much as the next person, but let's just all calm down and proceed with caution into the fashion of the spring season. There are MONTHS ahead of us to make faux pas after faux pas in the name of trend-setting, so there's really no need to sport all your questionable purchases right this minute, now is there?
And I'm not trying to be a kill-joy, really I'm not, and I do want you to enjoy the nice afternoon, but as you dress in the morning keep in mind the great theory behind the wearing of summer styles: tan flab is better than white flab any day of the week. Hence, if you find yourself sporting the cropped tank and mini skirt before the pastiness of winter has been replaced by a warm spring glow, you might wanna re-think and add jacket and some tights to your ensemble;-)