People's Most Beautiful

Okay, everybody got their copy of People Magazine? If we can all turn to page 66, and let's begin.
Now I'm not gonna talk about everyone, I mean there are some right nice lookin' folks in there. No HUGE surprises, but many over-done faces, to be sure.
The Jolie-Pitt fam, I mean seriously, did they need 4 pages of desert picnic? Just let them go be weird in foreign nations, enough already.
Disappointments: Lindsay Lohan...come on guys, she's never going to go away if you keep putting pictures of her everywhere! Same with Jamie Foxx. He's having trouble fitting his head through doorways as it is, if his ego gets any bigger, I fear for the safety of those around him.
Of course Eva Longoria, another big head they're inflating. Jessica Simpson, big surprise.
Now Isaiah Washington, there's a new face and a very nice one I might add. And his Grey's Anatomy buddy, Patrick Dempsey. Nice to see the editors have some sense of taste, the oddly textured suit he's wearing, not withstanding.
And then, a bunch more pretty people you'd expect to see, the athletes, blah blah.
And the on to the mothers and daughters. It's sad when a beautiful woman has unfortunate-looking children isn't it. Poor Vanessa Williams' middle daughter, she must look like her father. You know Christie Brinkley's kid with Billy Joel curses her genetics everyday.
Can we please stop with Julia Roberts? I mean she was tolerable back in the cutesy Pretty Woman days, but 18 films and the same character later, she's really one of those folks who wouldn't be attractive if she weren't famous, and she still walks like trunk driver.
And let's hear it for Kirstie Alley who really looks fabulous. However, in her little blurb it mentions going on Oprah in November in a bikini and I'd like to give a word of caution here. It's great that you've lost 64 lbs. and all, but unless you plan on losing another 60 you need to keep yosef covered up cause the minute you go baring your cellulite on national television, you lose all points for weight you've lost and American will zone in on what you've got left!
All in all, People didn't venture too far out of the box on this one. No need to rush out to the newsstands, but I'd still pick up an issue;-)